
question MIRACL’s GUI (miraclGUI) is not working

Access control might be enabled on your host machine. Change your xhost access control on your host machine (not within your Docker container). Exit the running Docker container and type:

xhost +

Log back in to your container. Reset xhost after you are done with using the MIRACL GUI using:

xhost -

The above will enable/disable access for all users. If this is not the desired behavior, access can be granted in a more fine grained manner.


xhost +SI:localsuer:<yourusername>


Replace <yourusername> with the actual user name of your host system

question The GUI worked before but does not work anymore

Navigate to the directory that contains your docker-compose.yml and restart the container with docker compose down followed by docker compose up -d. The GUI should work again.

question I cannot run X or Y with Docker because of permission denied errors

If you have not set up a Docker user you might need to run Docker commands with sudo. While this should work, setting up a Docker user is the prefered.

question Processes that require TrackVis or Diffusion Toolkit are not working

Because of their respective licenses, we could not include TrackVis or Diffusion Toolkit in our Docker image directly. Please download and install them on you host machine using their installation guide. After they have been successfully installed, mount a volume to your MIRACL Docker container that contains the binary folder for TrackVis and Diffusion Toolkit and add the binaries to your $PATH within your MIRACL Docker container using the mounted volume.

question STA workflow fails when trying to create tracts

Make sure that the TrackVis and Diffusion Toolkit binaries are available to MIRACL. See the previous question for details.

question I need to install or make changes to apps in the MIRACL container but my user is not authorized to do so

The user in the container is the user of your host machine. This is done to avoid issues with the MIRACL GUI and X11. If you need to make changes that require sudo privileges, just log out of your container and log back in as root:

$ docker exec -it -u root miracl bash

After making your changes, log out and log back in with your regular user:

$ docker exec -it miracl bash


Always remembert that changes to the container are not persistent. If you need to make permanent changes as sudo, add them to the Dockerfile instead.

question MIRACL’s GUI (miraclGUI) does not work anymore after my ssh connection has been broken

Assuming you logged back in with ssh and are in the container, exit the container and restart it using docker compose down and docker compose up -d .

Shell back into the container and the GUI should work again.


Note that the Docker Compose syntax is different if you installed it using the standalone method. Compose standalone uses the -compose syntax instead of the current standard syntax compose. The above command would thus be docker-compose up -d when using Compose standalone.

question I do not want to create the image using the provided script

You can build the image yourself, not using the script we provide. However, the build script makes sure that the GUI version of MIRACL works with Docker and it is therefore recommended to use it. Build the image with:

$ docker build -t mgoubran/miracl .


Do not forget the . at the end of the command. It is required to point docker build to the Dockerfile.

To run the container use:

$ docker run -it mgoubran/miracl bash


If you make changes in the container that are not stored on a volume, make sure to use the same container the next time you run MIRACL as changes made to a container will only apply to this specific container. If you run MIRACL again from the same image using docker run -it mgoubran/miracl bash, a new container will be created that does not contain the changes you made to the first container.


The MIRACL GUI will be unlikely to work out-of-the-box but you can try the troubleshooting steps in the following section to make it work.

question I get either or both of the following errors whenever I try to run the GUI from within a Docker container that was build without the provided build script

Authorization required, but no authorization protocol specified
qt.qpa.xcb: could not connect to display :1


The number for the display could be different in your case

qt.qpa.plugin: Could not load the Qt platform plugin "xcb" in "" even though it was found.
This application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.

Available platform plugins are: eglfs, linuxfb, minimal, minimalegl, offscreen, vnc, wayland-egl, wayland, wayland-xcomposite-egl, wayland-xcomposite-glx, webgl, xcb.

Exit your running Docker container and run the following to mount an X11 socket from the host system in a new Docker container:

docker run -it -e DISPLAY=$DISPLAY -v /tmp/.X11-unix:/tmp/.X11-unix mgoubran/miracl bash

If you still receive the above error, you may have to change your xhost access control. See previous troubleshooting step above.